Online Resources

The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 - learn about important doctrinal foundations such as our sinful condition, the inerrancy of Scripture, and salvation through faith alone in Christ alone.

Ligonier Ministries - R.C. Sproul - benefit from their online teaching series, books, and the well-known ‘Tabletalk’ publication. Similar to GTY, you can search Ligonier based on topics or Scriptures.

Grace to You (GTY) - John MacArthur - find a wide range of resources including sermons, books, and articles. Search GTY by topics such as marriage, sanctification, and death or by Scripture.

Blue Letter Bible - benefit from this searchable online Bible program featuring different Bible translations along with study tools such as Matthew Henry’s commentaries, Greek/Hebrew concordance, and cross-references.



Morning and Evening - Charles Spurgeon

Voices from the Past - Puritan Devotional Readings - Richard Rushing (Banner of Truth or Amazon)

Tabletalk - Ligonier



Freedom of the Will - Jonathan Edwards

The Sovereignty of God - A.W. Pink  

All of Grace - Charles Spurgeon


Eden’s Own Journal - 2022

We’ve featured a number of resources through “Eden’s Own Journal” in January, March, May, and October.


What is the Gospel? Voddie Baucham